LAR's COD analyser is optimally suitable for the detection of production losses in chemical and food industries as well as for control of waste water treatment plants. Using the muti-stream option the QuickCOD ultra measures up to 6 sample streams in one unit. The determination of the chemical oxygen demand takes place in less than 2 minutes. The amount of oxygen needed is detected by an oxygen detector. As a result, measurement results are free of chloride interferences and operators do not need expensive oxidation promoting catalysts.
At this temperature all compounds are fully oxidised. The COD analyser works with a high temperature combustion method at 1200 ☌. Thus, operators do not need any sample preparation such as filtration. Precise Control Measurement on scales of 90, 250, 600 and 999 ppm BOD Higher values can be measured by diluting the sample Models with. CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (COD) Chemical Oxygen Demand or COD is a measurement of the oxygen required to oxidize soluble and particulate organic matter in water. It enables the injection of the raw waste water sample incl. The concentration of CO 2 generated is measured using an infrared analyzer and reported as organic carbon (mg/L).
The analyser uses a robotic horizontally and vertically moving injection needle. LAR's QuickCOD ultra is an online COD analyser for the determination of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) in complex water.